Biblical community, Uncategorized

Find Your Spot on the Shore

Upon learning about the extent of modern-day slavery and human trafficking in the world (27 million slaves worldwide today), my gut-level response was a passion for rescuing slaves and those enduring the horrors of human trafficking. Then I learned about the work She is Safe does training women in the work of Transformation Groups.  This… Continue reading Find Your Spot on the Shore

Faith, featured, Life of Mary, Uncategorized

Why She is Safe (and why you should Run to Rescue)

A huge frustration I have experienced from the annoying fact that God did not make me a millionaire is that there are scores of worthwhile organizations doing great work in the world, and they all need money to do it.   My budget, sadly, won't support them all.  Since I am limited in what I… Continue reading Why She is Safe (and why you should Run to Rescue)

Faith, Life of Mary, Uncategorized

The Privilege of Back to School

It's that time of year again.  Back to school.  Tomorrow morning we will send our ward Priscilla off to the first day of her senior year.  Tomorrow and Saturday I will host my annual parent meeting for my classes, which begin next week. On my Facebook feed recently I have seen several posts from moms… Continue reading The Privilege of Back to School